Vegan FLOAP by Gudonya (pronounced good ON ya).
Unfortunately, I didn't photograph
my Floap before I used it, but this is what it looked like except that the chunks embedded in the top of mine were pink. My bar is called
Chocolate Truffle Razz. The smell really smelled truffle-like and the texture was light and fluffy, but not soft. I felt like if I wanted to I could smoosh my finger through it. It reminded me of fudge. I love the whipped soap thing, though. It is so unusual and a very different experience in the shower.

The first time I entered the shower with my Floap, I rubbed it on my wet skin as I do with any bar of soap. But some of the raspberry embeds crumbled right off. The funny thing is that my lip
actually went out to pout (if you can imagine my sad face pouting because 2 raspberry floap bits scurried down the drain). Some exterior crumbles began to happen and I was sure that my bar would disintegrate and that would be that for my Floap experience. But NO, wait. I think it needed to get more wet and become accustomed to me. After the exterior disintegration issue that lasted a whopping 20 seconds, it was over as quickly as it started. My Floap was intact and ready for the cleaning challenge. The smell was chocolate truffle with red raspberry notes. A dessert shower treat, for sure. It was pleasant and not overwhelming and it felt so smooth sliding across my wet skin displaying the perfect amount of lather and lovely slip. My first shower was a success once the "issue" we had resolved itself. The next 2 showers were perfect and smelly good. Unfortunately, my bar is going quickly. Physics would state clearly to me that if you whip a bunch of air into a bar of soap, the density (or lack of) will keep it from staying on this earth for an extended period of time.
My daughter really wanted to be in the picture with the soap, so the soap picture below demonstrates the bar after 3 showers.

This is the next one on my list to get:
Cow-Ma-Flage™ (vegan) by Gudonya. It looks like it would be licorice, but it is red clover: a "surprisingly simple blend of sweet, herbal clover and a smooch of berries. It's not real berry-sweet, though."
shop for Floap. I highly recommend it, just understand it is a bit temperamental for a few seconds at the start.
Kinda like when dogs first meet and they are both alpha males.