Snowdrift Farms is now stocking fair trade unrefined shea butter. I think the prices are very reasonable once you're at the 5lb mark and of course, the 59 lb. mark is even cheaper, but that is A LOT of buttah! Shea butter is lovely in soaps and you can feel good about buying this shea.
They also are offering some Halloween melt and pour kits for the upcoming holidays and free shipping on essential and fragrance oils.
Also, if you ever have questions about certain ingredients or regarding preservatives, etc., you can contact them and within a day, the chemist will get back to you with some very helpful comments and suggestions. They are super knowledgeable and have been nothing but helpful.
Butter up!
Joanna, thanks so much for all your finds! I see so many neat sites and good deals and contests through you. I go for fair trade whenever I can, so I really appreciate this info. xo
Good find Joanna! My supplier is out of unrefined shea and I'm starting to look around. I love that its fair trade...
Thanks for the link!
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