pudge by CURAT
Ok, moving on....
So I was looking at her wall of soaps and a little soap named Pudge popped up and I instantly bought it. I thought it was the name and that it said limited quantities. I had to have Pudge.
Pudge arrives with some other soapy samples. Here's a picture of the sample line up:

Misty thinks they look like a dysfunctional family.
I love the Pudge. First I used it as was intended - as a facial soap, but as I lathered it my hands I noticed it has some light exfoliation, and you KNOW how I love exfoliation in the shower, so I decided to use it in the shower instead. Well! Let me tell you, it was perfect. I have been showering with it exclusively and it doesn't seem to be shrinking. Whatever the scent is, it's super light, because I don't smell much even though is is really pleasant. I think perhaps the oils in there are supposed to be intended to tone the skin and not for being smelly. In the shower, it isn't a rough exfoliant. It has the perfect balance of exfoliation, lather and good soapie qualities.
This is how it says to use it: "Break off pea sized amount and place in the palm of your hand. Work into a small lather with a tad of water, apply to face avoiding the eye area. Leave on for 5 minutes...then rinse with warm water. Finish with a natural toner and moisturize your skin."
Here are the ingredients: "Saponified soy, olive & coconut oils, bananas, pineapple, mango, currant oil, citrus essential oil - avg size 2.0 oz bar lasts 2 months."

I raise my glass to Misty!! Love your soap!
Go check out her online store and blog and tell her I sent you ;)
What a great review of Pudge! I can almost feel the soap now. I'm off to check out Misty's blog. Thanks for sharing!
The soaps sound fantastic! I love the rustic look of the bars and her creative soap names! I have my eye on the Lavender Ovaz! I am a lavender junkie! Thank you for another fabulous discovery!
Wow, a banana facial soap! Just a few weeks ago one of my customers mentioned that banana soap was good for the face and I had never heard of that. Now I've seen your banana facial soap and Pudge. Sounds like a wonderful soap - great review!
Gorgeous! And her website is a lot of fun too!
*adds link*
Thanks for sharing your experience of a CURAT soap with us. I'm left all curious..."Break off pea sized amount..." I'm wondering what the point of that is? If it doesn't shrink much in the shower, that would mean it's rather hard, yes? Or is it a soft soap? Also, what in the listed ingredients is causing the exfoliation effect? Is the all the pureed food that went into the soap? And, with all the edibles in there, what's preventing spoilage? Is the combination of citrus based essential oils used as a preservative? ..ok, I'll stop there :)
Hello! And thanks so much for this post, I am so happy you like it..i must say, i stopped production because it was only a small circle of people using and loving it...it's much easier to have a tube of face exfoliant at the ready than to go about using Pudge....so, thanks
@Cocobong..the exfoliating effects of this soap is very unique...if used the way it's intended, the enzymes from the fruit help to renew the skin...it affects the epidermis by releasing dead skin..and if you use natural enzyme products for a continued amount of time it helps speed up the levels of tripsin in the skin,
tripsin is produced by our bodies to help release dead skin cells..but with exposure to commercial products, medications and sun, some of us don't have adequate levels.
the thing with hot-processing..using a "technique" to add the fruits at the right time gives you a longevity of over a year, unlike a scrub or cold-process where you would need preservatives.....it takes along time to cook off a batch..4 hour process and a week cure after the cut..the soap is a medium hard bar..but you must keep it dry, if it gets wet it loses it's enzyme properties that are "sleep" till water activates it..the bar will swell up and the texture will change between drying times..i have used it as a regular soap bar because the lather is off the chain....but it looses the enzyme properties...
..........my goal is to expand the PERFORMANCE of soap..commercially it has been done..but naturally, not so much..the appearance of soap has evolved tremendously! but i think that the way natural soap is used has limitless potential..
Enzymes are proteins, and proteins get denatured by high pH, thus inactivating them. Denatured enzymes lose their original purpose.
enzymes are active in many skincare and pharmaceutical products...it depends on which items are used..and how they are blended...the product works..the product has a shelf life of one year..it's a great item too! thanks for the brush up!
I've been a carat aficionado for literally years. I think i have 7 bars in my shower as i type this. who ever was going to get the lavender ovaz, buy two, you'll love it. misty's ashes to ashes is also one of my personal faves...but a shower without carat is just not worth it in my book. i even take a bar or two with me when i travel!!!
Pudge! I used this soap for several months, and I must say, it left my skin feeling fresh and light. I'm a homemade soap fiend and am very impressed with what this woman's brought to the hand-crafted soap table!
wow..a four hour cooking process will not cook the enzymes to death? That's interesting. Also, Jo writes that she noticed a light exfoliation which I understand as a matter of texture in the bar rather than enzyme property at work. My question being: does this bar come with a subtle scrubbiness?
I use Curat every day and hopefully won't have to turn back to commercial soaps ever again.
the herbalist is my favorite. in addition to its exfoliating properties it's an excellent for itchy insect bites . . .
I've been a dedicated fan of Curat for about a year maybe longer starting with Ashes to Ashes but I've tried at least six others and I've never been disappointed with quality, scent, and most important how it works with my skin. It exfoliates and doesn't overdry. If I ever see it in stores in Indy -- or if I am even on her website -- I end up buying one or two bars for myself and friends. :)
Curat soaps smell amazing! I am in love with the apricot champa...it was a limited edition that I hope comes back ASAP.
I have not tried Pudge but have enjoyed MANY other Curat soaps and absolutely love them...not only the quality of the soap but the spirit of love, enthusiasm and creativity that comes from their dynamic creator, Misty El-Aryani. I have gifted them to friends and family and everyone comes back asking for more. Misty, thank you for giving us CURAT!!!
thank you for the amazing comments! i love making the soaps for you too!!!
@cocobongo...your soaps are works of art...beautiful..just beautiful..
all we need is love!! love everyday and love everyone!!!
Keep your process secret!! It works, the Soap Bar chic loves it. That's enough to go by M.
I love Curat. My family uses it all the time, if you want to get down with it you need to get "Rose Imperial Champa" it's the ***t.
The only thing I have a problem with is the limited editions sell out and she doesn't bring them back. That's punishment.
I LOVE Curat handcrafted soaps! I've not tried the pudge yet, but after reading this blog, it will be my next purchase. I've been so smitten with the Spicy Peach, and the Lilac Green Tea, that I just haven't ventured away from them!
curat soaps are awesome!!! Im a curat junkie or as Misty likes to put it a curatie. The soaps are addictive and once you use them you'll become a curatie too. Keep up the good work M.
I love Curat soap! I use the Ashes 2 Ashes as my nightly face wash.
Cool to see Curat get some notice. I've been using it since she first started...I am a big fan of herbal and citrus soaps. These work for me both winter and summer, no dry skin, no greasy feel. I stay away from the heavier fragrances, so they are really fresh and light.I find they last pretty long, foam up nicely. Lots of cool "flavors" to choose from, which I think is part of the experience.
I own a boutique in Indianapolis that is proud to carry Curat! I can't keep it on the shelf it is so popular. When Misty gives me samples of a new soap, my husband tries to snag them right away! He loves them as much as I do!!
I received a Curat soap as a gift. It was the Herbalist. I'm hooked now. It's the perfect hand soap for my kitchen. What a great, clean scent!
The first thing that got me was the name: Curat. When I found out that it meant clean, I was blown away because that, my friends is an understatement. I have a skin disorder that had left me susceptible to break out at a moments glance, so when I talked to Ms. Renee about to possible impurities it may have and when she stated there are none, I was floored. I have NOT had any problems whatsoever with any of her products. It does exactly what the name says: it leaves you Clean. My children LOOOOVE her kids soap!!! I'm telling you, it makes them actually want to take a bath, and thats hard to do with two seven year olds. Kudos and hats, along with clothes off to M.Renee!!! :)
Misty makes the best soaps I've ever used in my life. I was a long time body wash user and I've been converted. I love her soaps and have I think 4 at home and give them as gifts all the time. Ashes 2 Ashes is the most amazing soap I've ever used on my face! I LOVE CURAT!!
Ms. Dee
Misty has put a lot of LOVE in her work. God blessed her with this gift to make such a wonderful product to sale to his people. We all need to learn to Love one another and not say things that we can not take back. Misty is the type of lady if she say she is going to do something she will follow thru with it. Not preaching to the choir, however I know Misty's product very well, my favorite is Black Orchid & Spicy Peach I have tried others they are all good. I will always support Misty in her work. CURAT leaves you feeling clean and fresh, if you have not tried CURAT I say purchase a bar for yourself and make your own judgement it will leave you feeling very fresh and clean & your skin feels wonderful. CURAT is a amazing soap. Thank God for his gift to Misty and for useing her gift to the fullness. GOD BLESS you Misty and keep the soap coming. GOD BLESS !!
I am a huge fan of Curat Handcrafted Soaps. I still have some left from the first batch I got from the Creator Misty. My husband loves them, he said that he has never used a soap that removes dirt and oil like Curat Soaps do. I still have to say I love the "Cherry Bomb" such a yummy smell, leaving your skin feeling light, clean, and refreshed. We love your products Misty, keep doing what you are doing!! As always, thank you for your love and support!
Curat=EXCELLENT!!!! My skin was squeaky clean but wasn't dried out and ashy! Perfect!
Curat soaps are excellent!
I am a huge fan of Curat Clean soaps. It is the only bar soap I will ever use on my face and its ability to heal skin of things like eczema and chronic dryness are OUTSTANDING!!!
my experiences with Curat have been nothing short of fantastic. pleasant/quick customer service, careful packaging for gifts, excitement to share knowledge about product ingredients...not to mention THEY SMELL AND FEEL FABULOUS. yum!
I'm loving Curat!!! This soap is incredible!
Curat is incredible. As someone with sensitive skin, it is hard to find a soap that does not cause an adverse reaction. When I discovered Curat, it was heaven! The unique blend of ingredients and scents is perfect. I would recommend Curat to anyone. Plus, Curat will also make custom blends--- what a perfect personalized gift to give someone for their birthday, holiday, or just because occasion. If you haven't tried it, go online or to a store in Indy and get one!
Keep the soaps coming, Misty! :)
i am a fan of Misty and Curat's delicious products - large praise coming from a fellow local soapmaker. she, to my knowledge, is the only other one in town besides myself that uses whimsical food blends in her creations...
wish i could have tried the pudge. it sounds delighful. :)
OMG!!! look at all the comments..usually when i post stuff for people to comment on...i hear crickets..lol thanks..again, thank you to THE SOAP BLOG! awesomeness..
@Cocobong..as far as the feel..if activated with water and used on the face, there is some tingly action...but when i use it in the shower...or "kill it" it's a great soap to use that way..though when the outer part of the bar is activated..it turns grainy as it dries..there's numerous reasons why this occurs...
Thank you for that description, Misty. With so much praise for your work, I think it's begging to be reviewed here at Cocobongs.
Wow wow wow. Misty, look at all these loyal customers you have. I love it! Cocobong. For sure. You should review, MISS CURAT.. ;)
Misty, Pudge was post-worthy. I don't do reviews anymore, unless something is outstanding.
I love Curat soaps and have been using them for over a year now. The first time I used them I was hooked. I love the scents and the way my skin feels - silky smooth and soft. You will love them and be hooked once you try them :)
@Joanna..i know you stopped reviewing and i am blessed that you liked Pudge so much to do so....amazing..my ancestors are proud that my chem degree is used somehow...lol!
@Cocobong..i never wanted my soap to be reviewed..to tell the truth, it's such a personal item that it is up to the user..i have found that my soap chooses people to go home with..sounds weird, but is so true.
i have been at events and had folks tell me they absolutely hate rose anything! they talk for minutes on why roses are horrible, how the smell of a rose makes them sick and so on and so farther! then..they pick up a rose based Curat soap, and buy 2...no kidding..i had a guy do a u-turn to come down the street and buy Champion Nag Champa...he said the blue color attracted him..no way he could see any color on that table! my soap chooses it's people...and when out of all that soap, Joanna saw little stumpy Pudge...well..it called "Kismet"..which is also a soap i make...muah, muah, muah to EVERYONE!! thank you so much..i am humbled...
i never chose to make soap..it chose me to make it!
LOve CURAT Soap! I have sensitive skin,and had to be very careful with what I used over the years.CURAT Soap not only is gentle ,and clean,but also has a lovley scent.I have tried several..depending on my mood,and loved them all.
I don't often fall prey to love at first sight, but I did with Ashes 2 Ashes & it has been a constant love affaire ever since. I used to spend hundreds on skin care for my face, that often breaks out! Since I switched to this little, cheap and long lasting miracle soap I've dropped the expensive stuff that took up 1/2 my bathroom shelf & my skin has never looked better!
Curat is one of the most amazing soaps that I've used. Being a crafter, I have been at a ton of craft fairs that have soap vendors and I've tried many of those soaps. When I finally got to Curat, I knew it was right. WHat is most amazing about the soap is that Misty is an amazing soap maker that stands behind her work. If you are unhappy with something that you have, she offers to fix it. I'm not exactly sure why people have said negative things about her or her soap on here, but they must not have ever used it. Cheers to Curat for an amazing product!
Curat is good stuff. I get a LOT of samples of beauty products, and Curat is one of the few I've paid money for after it ran out. My mom really dug Stiletto, and she's picky.
Honey, you haven't had soap until you have Curat! I am obsessed with the one made with vodka, I mean obsessed. She also had a line made with wine and some with rum. Does anyone know about those or when they will come back?? I want some more! But for now the vodka star is my special bar of heaven.
I want to meet her too!
Kim P.
Curat ROCKS!!! Having sensative skin, I find myself very attentive of whatever soap, moisturizers, and lotions I use. I grew up using Dove body soap but it generally left a "brutha" ashy. I first came across Curat over a year ago at an art show and since then I've found a gold mine...literally. Not only does Curat bring a knife and fork to the table, this soap brings fragrance, mass varitey, moisture to the skin, and of course swag. I love the fact that I can use it and not worry about putting lotion on. The smell actually carries and I have seen my self esteem rise to new levels. On a more serious note I am indeed a satisfied paying customer and I will even recommend Curat to the Pope Benedict!!!
Thanks for the news on Curat Clean. I just placed an order for the Vodka Starr. The Pudge is sold out :(
Nicole M.
This soap is A-MA-ZING!!!!! I am a long time fighter of Eczema and these soaps work wonders on my face and around my hair line. If Curat made shampoos.......my life would be complete :)
Misty is incredible! Her products are amazing. Pepper Ferocious is my favorite. She knows her soap. I am hoping she makes a marshmallow soap.
The Profound Pineapple is AH-MA-ZING! I felt like I was at the spa using it. Also bought a bunch for gifts and the bar size is so big that I could break in half and give to twice as many people! I'll definitely be back for more!
Uhh amazing, missed out on pudge but the romanian linen rocks my sockks, its clean and fresh and just plan sick (in a fabulously fierce kind of way). Im hooked and will enjoy it to the last scrap. Curat is a mandatory edition to a diva queens artillary of beauty seacrets. Stay fierce, USE CURAT SOAPS!!! The king of queens has spoken.
Misty's soaps cannot be surpassed! I got my first ones at Catherine's lingerie open house and haven't turned back! There are so many I want to try but they last so long! :) Best stuff ever
May I ask you to Curat me! It's a wonderful soap that lathers extremely well. I'm always referring my clients to this extraordinary clean soap. I love it and you will too!
Curat soaps, smell amazing and make wonderful gifts. I have purchased these soaps for gifts and always get compliments!
The Pudge sounds great, I will be trying it. Curat is really a fantastic brand that creates quality soaps.
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