These are some of the most beautiful soaps I've ever seen in my life. I can't believe the layers and embeds. The layers remind me of Jawbreakers, the candy that change colors as they get smaller and smaller from being sucked on and you can't bite it because you'll break your jaw if you do? Know what I mean?

Quote about the soap
"Oils: virgin olive, coconut, palm, Oleate Calendula, Castor, Avocado and Shea in the trace, and Vitamin E. Instead of water, goat's milk.For color: Green oxide mineral pigment, Lemon Yellow, Pink Clay and part of the fund that has small specks, Vegetable Dye Powder Uva is crimson, but for the grace of soda, became brownish green with the resulting disappointment.
For flavors: Rosemary, Tea Tree and Lemon Tincture evenly and Incense as a fixative.
This is like coming back to life after a coma."
I am sad this soaper is disappointed with the color outcome of the brownish green because I think it is absolutely perfect! To me, the bar says: from the Earth rises this beautiful succulent, fertile blossom of colorful bliss.
That is my interpretation of the colors in the bar.
Below, are some pictures that I found on the same blog. I am in love because these are SO beautiful, original and UNIQUE!
Please, go visit the blog yourself. There are plenty more photographs that need to be looked at.
I have been following this blogger for some time - his work is just incredible, total works of art. I don't know if he sells because, if he were to charge for his time that goes into making this beauties, each soap would be about €100 each!!! Stunning aren't they?
WOW!!!! I am stunned by the beauty, time and just overall awesomeness of these soaps!!!! Great find.
SIIIIIIII, es Omar!!!!!! y aunque vive en España, es ARGENTINO!!!!!
Sus jabones son únicos, en diseño, creatividad y cuidada selección de ingredientes maravillosos para la piel. un ARTISTA!!!
very unique!
Just when you think you've seen it all...those are just plain amazing. No, incredible!
Those are truly stunning...modern and beautiful!
This is also one of my favorite blogs. I find all his work an inspiration.
Omar, el más fantástico jabonero en éstos momentos. Sus jabones son piezas de artes, únicas e irrepetibles.
El mejor sin duda
I love the pics of how he DOES these...amazing patience and precision!
Omar makes beautiful soaps! and he teach his techniques too!
All these soap look so perfect,am new to the natural soap world and i love it, i start using this great website that has great soaps as well. when i like something i believe in letting everyone know about it.
Wow, these soaps are drop dead gorgeous! I am inspired by his talent. Keep up the good work Omar and thank you for sharing.
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