These are a stack of Apple Crisp soaps I made in December. Mmm, they smelled so good. The day I cut the loaf, I noticed swirly faces in my bars. An angelic face on one side and on the other side of the bar... well... it looked like a devilish face, almost maniacal in nature. I'd say, it was a physical Yin Yang bar. I had two of these bars. Actually I had two bars with the angelic faces. I just sold the one with the angelic face. I still have the one with both the angel and the maniac.

my maniac, see it?
do you see her?
Have you found images in your soap? If so, what were they?
OMG that is soooo cool yet soooo creepy! LOL
Very cool!!
I had some strange things in cut soap....resembled unmentionable female body parts!
wow that is crazy and cool at the same time :)
Oh I see it alright, how unique! Can't say I've ever had this occur in my own batches, but you can bet I'll be keeping my eye out for faces when cutting from now on, lol ..
The soap looks fabulous by the way - Apple Crisp sounds YUM :)
Squished angel/devil soap! Great!
Wow! You must have been so surprised to see that! I do quite a bit of in-the-pot swirls and occasionally find some interesting things on some bars. Check out this face: http://www.flickr.com/photos/41788645@N04/3853280551/in/set-72157622133724284/
kelly, a little creepy, yep.
Teresa, VAGINAS! I'll mention it for you...we are all adults, now. And I'm bold like that. You can't take me anywhere ;)
Misty. yeah...
Artisan Soaps: yeah, me either. And the Apple Crisp really does smell like the dessert. oh so good.
Tiggy: !!!
Celine: Thank you!
Feli: Kisses to you too :D
Ruth: I like your face. He he he
The shapes were more like LABIA than vaginas!!!!
You are wicked funny!
I can see the faces the second one is even a little alien with the cat styled eyes.
yes, Sharon!
Getting figures on soap-bars is nice, but having opposite faces on the opposed sides of one bar? Way too cool!
I have a picture of some soap I made that had a face in it as well.. a happy face that had one eye shut with an open mouth. It was my mascot in the shop until someone picked it up and bought it during the holidays. I'll send it to you if you're interested. It's HILARIOUS. Love your faces!!
Looks delicious!
This is great!, good enough to eat!
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