...And A Bit of Soap Porn, Too
I have never tried a glass of milk squeezed from a goat, although I have heard it is quite tasty and even healthier than cow's milk. I really like goats. I don't like the butting part of their personality, but they are sweet. Goat's milk also does wonders for your skin when you put it in lotion or add it to soap. I have tried it once in powder form, but I need to go all out and get a quart of milk from the grocer and go crazy for my next batch of goat (milk) soap. C'mon! No goats in my soap. I promise!Okay, so I did some eyeballing on Etsy and found some lovely soaps that I've posted here. There is one in particular that has caught my eye because f the method used. Cold kettle processing. I'd love to know if anyone has tried this. In the comment section, if you will, please let me know if (a) you have heard of it and (b) if you have tried it.
Enjoy the the sign of the goat. U

goat (milk) soap by Primitive Earth Soap
grapefruit gourmet goat's milk gourmet soap by Wicked Pen

I don't think I've actually SEEN soap come from this method. It almost looks like overly toasted handmade marshmallows to me. I am loving the rustic look of these and wish I had one myself so I could touch and smell this unique bit of bar!
So, if you have tried this cold kettle process and are interested in sharing a photo tutorial, I would love to post it here for us all to learn. What fun to learn new things!!
I believe cold kettle process is just a fancier way of saying cold process… same process. Sorry to burst your bubble! :)
I thought the same thing...I'm pretty sure they are interchangeable terms :)
I agree...I think the look of the soap is actually achieved with some sort of spice rub, giving it the primitive look...how they get the rub to stick, though is beyond me!
hmmmm...really haven't a clue. i'd say it is CP though...praps wet first to a very sticky consistency on the outside, then rolled in (ahem) stuff... x
Looks like cinnamon or nutmeg. But I agree, very cool looking!
Thank you so much for featuring my Nag Champa soap bars- I am honored! :)
I've been wanting a goat for a while now (and sheep...yum!), but aside from making cheese, I wasn't sure what else to do with the milk (because I've tried drinking it and I'd rather eat durian)...didn't even think of making soap. Duh.
My favorite is the first one; it's so creamy looking!
that last one is very interesting looking and I agree it makes me want to touch it.
ok, ok, I didn't do my homework. BLEH! :P Cold kettle sounded so .. so .... primitive and unique! And the soap looks absolutely UNIQUE and I wanted to learn something unique. So who has a tutorial that I can share with the world? My camera is off of RAW and I will be sharing coconut pics soon. Two days or so...
But I weant to talk to people about tutorials of new things. Anyone??????
You know it. ;)
I read the description and ingredients list and I think that is ground cloves all over the outside to look 'toasty'. You could get it to stick easily if you cut the soap reasonably fresh and kinda mash the ground cloves all over. I do the sane thing with flowers etc when making little soap balls. Hope that helps/sounds right lol ;)
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