My daughter likes to eat cereal in the morning before school, while watching Spongebob Squarepants. When it's over, Dora The Explorer comes on and she shuts off the television. Well, this morning, she started talking about how Dora's a bad influence on little kids.
H u h ?
Nina starts off by saying, "What kind of message is she sending to little kids when she wanders off into the woods with a monkey and her backpack? She talks to weird men under bridges, talks to a piece of PAPER (map) and takes advice from her monkey friend. She's a terrible role model, Mom!"
Who thinks like that? Oh, r i g h t, hormonal 12 year olds who are in middle school and are figuring out where they fit into this world? Ah yes, perhaps.
I guess no matter what educational, non-violent children's show is on the air, someone's going to pick it apart - but who thought my 12 year old would do it?
(She watched Dora for 2 years when she was 3 years old)
I think I grew up ok and I watched the Smurfs, which according to the experts was one of the most violent cartoons, go figure!
I loved the Roadrunner and Tom and Jerry. Way violent. My son loves spongebob
This is nina. I think dora is hallucinating and on drugs. She talks to a freaking piece of paper and leaves home , it seems, 4 days on end with her little monkey friend. I mean have you ever seen her come home?!
My 2 year old loves Dora. LOL! But to be honest, I never thought about it but hey Nina has a point. She does wander off a lot and talk to strangers and her best friend is named boots afterall.
hahahahaha! Great observations Nina. And way to hihjack your mom's blog =) Did you learn that from Dora's bad influence too? I mean, she's pretty independant for a young girl don't you think?! And, is she skipping school to have these adventures?
oh good, Heidi, feed into the insanity..... ;)
My son went through a phase like this too, where he would just point out all of the inconsistencies and improbabilities in cartoon shows ("right, like THAT could ever happen!") Funny thing is that his littler and younger friends who were still watching these shows thought that he was hyterically funny for making fun of it. It was like "The Daily Show" for the cartoon set.
when she's right, she's right. Good point she makes about men under the bridge and wandering off into the woods with a "monkey"? ddl
Ok. As true as that is. . .what kid in real life has an oportunnity to run away with a monkey and then talk to a peice of paper that actually talks back?? It's called television for a reason. Calm down folks.
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