Here is the scoop:
From now until December 15th, anyone interested in participating in the Yummiest Handmade Soap contest should contact Crystal via email at info@cuteindiefinds.com. Please be sure to put "Yummiest Handmade Soap" in your subject line.
Here's the GOOD STUFF.
First Place: Will receive 6 months of free banner advertising here at Cute Indie Finds and at The Soap Bar. And, of course, the bragging rights as the purveyor of the Yummiest Handmade Soap!
Second Place: Will receive 4 months of free banner advertising on both blogs.
Third Place: Will receive 2 months of free banner advertising on both blogs.
All eligible entries (handmade soaps) must.....
1. Be your own creation. That means YOU MADE IT.
2. Send two full sized bars in order to be considered.
3. Judges will include myself, Crystal of http://www.cuteindiefinds.com and Joanna of http://thesoapbar.blogspot.com/
5. "Entries must be received by December 15, 2007 to be considered for this contest. Please consider shipment times and/or possible shipping delays before hand so that your package arrives to me by the deadline. International entrants should allow extra time for shipping."
5. "Winners will be announced at some point during the month of January. The announcement will be broadcast for three consecutive days. The winner will be notified of these days prior to the announcement."
6. Only winners will be announced. All others can email myself or Joanna if they would like feedback on their soap."
7. Judging will be as follows
50% on the soaps moisturization qualities (ie: how the
skin feels after being rinsed.)
30% on the soaps appearance (packaging, how the product
looks and feels, color)
10% on the creativity of the soap
10% on the scent of the soap
8. We are not responsible for lost entries. We recommend delivery confirmation or signature confirmation.
9. Please submit a list of ingredients (unless they are already on the label) with your submission.
Please mail contest entries to only one of us (whichever address is closer to you):
Crystal Astolfo
834 Banyan Dr.
Redlands, Ca 92373
or to:
Joanna Schmidt
PO Box 3773
Tequesta, FL 33469
We welcome any questions, comments or suggestions. Please email Crystal at info@cuteindiefinds.com or Joanna at jo@productbody.com
Rustic wedge-chunk soaps are cut into large triangle chunks - made in the tradition of Old European soapmaking....100% natural, and made with 100% Certified Organic virgin African shea butter! Notice that this block is made of 2 large triangles.