Saturday, April 28, 2012

Soap In The Raw

Soap porn in the raw.  Yes!  It's true, I have a love relationship with raw soap.  It is so beautiful in it's own dessert-pudding-like way.  The final product is even more exciting, but when one finally takes their raw soap creation and puts in in a mold to become soap, it leads to me to a happy place of raw.


Christmas Warmth "batter" by Kinder Soaps

sandalwood vanilla by Bella Fresca

Carrot Buttermilk Soap By Soap Foundry (only found his blog)

Calendula + Chamomile by Dragonfly Dew

Triple Milk Vanilla Buttercream Luxury Shea butter Soap by My Planet Earth Soap

(my soap) Mar Bar unscented goat's milk soap by Product Body|Absolute Soap

Sweet Pea by Great Cakes Soapworks

 Carrot Something by Revive

Yum....what's up YOUR sleeve today?


  1. I feel the love with soap.

  2. Soap in the raw is so beautiful and different! I, too, love it!!

  3. Here is mine, just made it yesterday:

    It's Grapefruit soap.

  4. Every one of those soaps looks absolutely incredible! There is so much amazing talent out there, thanks for sharing these great photos with us!

  5. I do believe you just sent a paying customer my way - thank you so much!!! I never would have thought to do a post on fresh soap batter - what an excellent idea!

  6. Soap porn in the raw? Wow. Never looked at it that way. For me it is the anticipation. Once it is poured I can hardly wait to cut it!

  7. Im the same about raw soap, love it in lots of ways but hate it too esp. when it doesn't do what you want it to! Fabulous pictures thanks for sharing X

  8. Looks like beautiful soap!!
    If you like that you should check out

    Hand crafted natural beer soap

  9. In heaven. Just love looking at raw soap. Great soap porn!
