Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Little Pretties. A Soap Porn Post

 "twelve days of crumble"
additives: aussie red clay and orange peel for decoration.
scent: buttery pumpkin, orange and spices.

I love these.  I found them here.  I love this blog.  In fact A Handmade Soap Blog was one of my faves, then she stopped writing for awhile and came back.  I love her soaps!

lemongrass coconut milk soap by the soap market

honey shea butter soap by T and J Soaps
I love the simplicity and class of the soap band and the font.  
And the soaps all look creamy and nummy!

Six Aromatherapy Soaps by red and rio
Nice collection of rustic hand cut cold process soaps.  The blue one catches my eye.  
Would love to try these.

 All of their soap looks tempting...

activated charcoal soap by Pink Parchment Soap
Love the look of all the natural bars they have listed.  Must get.

Was on the lookout for some inspiring soap and the simplicity of these made me feel peaceful, so perhaps going basic is truly inspiring to me.... (the first one wasn't simple, but too pretty not to share  ;)

xo Jo


  1. Thanks for sharing all these Joanne. Now I must find out the color process behind the blue one!

  2. I am so sorry, it is JOANNA, is it not? For the rest of eternity you may call me anything you like. Donna is dull anyway

  3. Beautiful and inspiring. The more soap I make, the more I love the natural, rustic looking bars. Simple can be so gorgeous!

  4. I love looking at other peoples soaps. Thanks for posting

  5. Thanks so much for the inspiration this morning!!

  6. I always love your choices! Now off to shop......

  7. Beautiful soap -I can't stop looking at the Lemongrass-Coconut Milk bars; so nice!

  8. Thanks for the soapy love, Jo! Needed it after this rough week. xx

  9. These soaps are beautiful. Love the blue coloring!

  10. Oh WOW! I love the colors of the Red & Rio soaps!
