Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Pieno Vonios Soap Maker Feature

I have admired Evelina, of Pieno Vonios, for some time and it just makes sense to show off the nature of her work with many photos to make you swoon the way I do.  Swooooooon..... According to translations on the internet,  Pieno Vonios means Milk Bath.  I don't speak Lithuanian, so I'm not sure if that is a correct translation.

I am blown away by the beauty of these soaps.
The photography is also outstanding and creates such a peaceful mood with the use of natural light, that it just relaxes me when I gaze upon her soaps.

Oats, milk and honey goat milk soap

and then, cut...

looks like white chocolate fudge! Yummy...


I would love to know where to get my yearning hands on some of her soap.  Evelina:  Do you sell your soap online?  That would be awesome.



  1. I think I need a dictionary - 'Thank you' just seems not good enough LOL. And the translation is pretty accurate - Pieno vonios translates to Milk Baths.

    Sadly, I don't sell my soaps online, but I would gladly send you some. They might even reach you before Christmas, if we're lucky lol.

    xo Evelina

  2. I ADORE Evelina's soaps... there's something so calming about them, peaceful if you will. She so deserves this feature, thank you Jo for showing her work to a wider audience.

    And Evelina, you should start selling hon, really! People would be queueing to get their hands on these beauties!

  3. I really love them, all!Such a good soaps.
    I love the colours, so calming and natural!

  4. Fantastic job.
    I like Chai Late and Oats milk and honey. Regards

  5. I second what Celine has said. I am a huge fan of yours Evelina. Your soaps are gorgeous, as is your photography.

    Congratulations on the feature :)

    I will be in the queue to purchase should you decide to sell :)

  6. All so beautiful, but Chai Latte is my favorite!

  7. Hello there. I love your blog especially this latest post. These pictures are gorgeous (good enough to eat!) I have recently taken an interest in soap making as I met a woman with a very interesting story about how she got into soap making. Thank you for sharing your passion and if you have time check out how Michalene's Goat Milk Soap got started - http://missionstrangers.com/?p=130

  8. I got me some Evelina soaps! I can't bring myself to use them, they're so pretty. Hey, perhaps I should live with yer mom!
    We could have like a shrine for soapmakers...

  9. Her soaps are lovely and I love the swirls.


  10. Wow! What a great idea to create that kind of design,well it looks like a real cakes. Thanks for the sharing.
