Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pale Force Soap Porn

"White Witch" by Future Primitive

I hope this pale version of my soap porn presentation has brightened up a little part of your day.

More to come.
xo Joanna


  1. Thank you for including me with all of these lovelies- that Apothecary soap is beautiful!!

    HappyHound on Etsy

  2. Oh these are all divine! God I love your soap porn! And I can attest to the wonder of Tiggy's White Witch soap as Father Christmas has great taste and got me some for Christmas!

  3. Check out that tat!! Is it for real? These are some really great soaps - thanks for the feast for my eyes!

  4. Thank you Jo for featuring my soap on your blog. Hope you are keeping well.

  5. Wow! What an incredible selection of eye candy! Just amazingly gorgeous soaps, as always - I'm so honored to be included. Thank you so much - and keep pumping out the soap porn, please!

  6. Thank you Jo! I tried to leave a comment already but it must've been swallowed up...
    Beautiful soaps...love love love that soap by Britton. Must have one day! x

  7. I have but three batches of soap under my belt, and mine are so boring in comparison....it is actually very intimidating! I have soooooo much to learn! Onward!
