Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Black Pumpkin

My first "swirl in the pot" was not a total success, but I am really happy with the results, in both molds! I made a seven pound soap batter with no color. Now, usually I swirl in the molds. Good control, understandable outcome...etc. However, my swirls, never came close to the intricate ones I see in other soaps, so I needed to try the swirl in the pot swirl, so I did. Of course I had to try an activated charcoal in with a cream colored soap batter, you know, because that is the most contrasting kind of color you can get, and, let's be serious.... When I need to test something, I need to be waving my big inexperienced flag way up high for all to see. With my big fat training helmet on, too. That is the way I roll. You can spot me in a crowd with my helmet if we lived closer.

OK, so I have about one heaping teaspoon of charcoal powder and a cup of batter and mix that up separately, then right before I was ready to pour my soap into my two 3 1/2 pound loaf molds, I dumped the black batter in and gave it a one-two-three swirl (didn't want to make a grey batter). I then poured the soap into the first mold (looked very black as I poured). Then to the second mold, I poured and there was very little black... I mixed it well, how did it miss this section? Grrr.

So here it is. My Black Pumpkin in one mold and Not Black Pumpkin in the other, which I still think is beautiful. :) They both smell like pumpkin bread and every time I pass by them, I wonder what that amazing smell is. I must make more. I've only made 26 bars so far. These will go quickly.

tops of Black Pumpkin

tops of Black Cream Pumpkin

Black Cream Pumpkin and Black Pumpkin

oh look! I didn't make swirly tops. Crazy, I know.
Sometimes simple can be perfect when it's gone crazy inside. :O)

cured and ready for sale: October 5, 2010


  1. They're BEAUTIFUL!

    They look really smooth and lovely! I really like the Black Pumpkin Cream. The abstract black splatters on the top a fresh looking, IMO. Less really can be more :)

    Now, if we could only smell these through the computer ...

  2. Oh I love these! And the fragrance sounds fab too - can't seem to get pumpkin fragranced things here.

    I had watched KBShimmer's ITP video and I believe she did just one stir in the pot pre pouring - is 3 still ok? I wanted to try an ITP swirl myself soon (trying out CP soaps now too!) and just wondered when I read the 1-2-3 comment. So love these!

  3. Black Cream Pumpkin looks like a wonderful ripened, french cheese (oh yumm!) and Black Pumpkin reminds of a Rorschach test. Lets analyze! But seriously, no need for the training helmet. YOU didn't forget the scent ;)

  4. They look great! I haven't tempted to do a pot swirl yet but I may just have to try it now.
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. I'm loving the swirling and the colours are really lovely.
    I must admit, I love the 2nd one best.

  6. In the pot swirl - I have to try that . Those look fabulous!

  7. I like the Black Pumpkin best. Looks like a real jack-o-lantern face^=^

  8. I am going to try the IPS today actually. I have wanted to try it for ages now, but was afraid to cause there isn't as much 'control'

  9. Wow, I guess I'm the weird one who has always done ITP swirls. I didn't know there was any other way! And I'd say you did fantastic on your first try - the black one is like a mirror image!! I couldn't do that if I tried!

  10. Nice swirls. Like the flat tops, too. :)

  11. Ooooo...they are both lovely! I am making pumpkin soap today 2! Ta-Da!

  12. Woah these are awesome, both of them!! Very nice job, lady!

    I like the smooth flat tops, too- kinda neat to see something different, seems EVERYONE'S doing big swirly chunky textured tops these days. Brilliant!

  13. I like the designs of your soaps! It takes guts to try soap designs that are different and unique. Nicely done, and thanks for sharing this information.

  14. I want,I want your soaps ,! Your'e Black pumpkin soap is so clever!Plus well done blog!
