Saturday, April 17, 2010

Find For The Day

One dozen sweet little handmade 100% pure beeswax candles. Poured in to a farm fresh eggshell. They will come to you in a recycled egg carton. 

I love these!


  1. How cool is that? Ultimate recycling!

  2. What a great idea... and it's biodegradable!

  3. Oh, this is a VERY GREAT idea! I love it! :-)))

  4. Despite your previous post on Wannabes, Copycats & Mimickers (I do agree; I always want to be an original...or as original as I can be, since, as the adage goes, there is nothing new under the sun), I am going to have to copy this idea because I've saved some egg shells from our favorite deceased hens. :} But I won't be selling them, so I won't feel so bad about copying.
