Monday, March 8, 2010

Manic Monday :: Soap Porn To Cheer You Up

Mania (as described in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary): excitement manifested by mental and physical hyperactivity, disorganization of behavior, and elevation of mood

Let's see how this goes without putting anybody over the edge.

In a blog post, Delicious Citrus, Purple Sparkle Crafts shared her
chocolate orange cold process soap. Yummmm.

Found this one on Nerd Approved. "The 'Fight Club' for alternative lifestyles"
"The first rule of Gay Bar is “don’t drop the soap.” Or maybe not, depending on how you like to party."

Erin, of Naiad Soap Arts, is a lovely person and excellent soap maker.
Cool manic bar o'soap!

Some people are a little obsessed with their electronics. Go see all the electronics they made out of soap....iPhone, Blackberry, PSP, video controller.... good replicas.

Tetris soap brought to you by Dirty Ass soap ;)
I love their company name....hehe

Loves Me Long Time
by Grumpy Girl Candle & Bath Co.

Sharon, of Grumpy Girl, makes her entire line of products fun and the names of her products and descriptions are not only witty but hysterical. I love her!

Wish I had more time to get this going. I have more photos to share. Okay, back to work, people... There's nothing here to see!



  1. that was some PROPER GOOD porn jo jo. and btw...i love my 'love' name!
    x x x

  2. Great finds as always! LOVE the Gay Bar!

  3. Gay bar is hilarious, wish I'd thought of that!

  4. Ooh, I love the look of that Chocolate Orange log!

  5. Thank you so much for featuring my chocolate orange soap! I feel pretty honoured to be amongst all these fab designs! :-) Becky x

  6. Love the soap porn especially the Loves Me Long Time
    by Grumpy Girl Candle & Bath Co.
    That is one beautiful bar of soap.

  7. Hah! These are fabulous: some funny, some scrumptious...thanks, as always for the soap porn, Jo!

  8. OMG Nooooooo, not the phone. LOL!!!

    BTW/ I've fallen in love with the last soap. Very perrrty!

  9. Mmm, I love me some soap porn! lol...
