Sunday, January 24, 2010

Where My Heart Has Been Lately

For those of you who know me or follow this blog regularly, you probably know the story of my life, good or bad that that may be for you :P

I have written a few words about closing my store and if you are interested in reading my emotional story and thank yous and stuff, go over to my Product Body blog.


  1. Oh, I'm so sorry, Joanna. I'm sure it has been difficult to close shop. I'm glad to hear you are still keeping the business going. This economy is definitely difficult. I hope you continue to do well online and at the local markets. Hang in there, kiddo.

  2. Oh Joanna, I'm so sorry to hear this news. You are one very smart lady and you wouldn't have made this decision if it wasn't the right thing to do. I hope the next few weeks go easy for you and that the rest of your business goes ahead leaps and bounds. Thinking of you. Big Hug.

  3. "Soap is for the body what tears are for the soul."
    So sorry to hear about your shop - I'd love to have a shop of my own as well. I hope you get to do some farmer's markets. I've done them and they are a blast - even when I had a bad sales day I always had a great people watching day.
    Good Luck with everything!
