Friday, January 1, 2010

New Goat's Milk Soap Finds & Porn

While scouring the internet for new soap makers, I found the Jonas family, a couple with 8 young children in rural Indiana. Everyone in their family participate in their goat milk soap business, Goat Milk Stuff. The 11 year old son milks the goats for the soap during the wee hours in the morning. I am loving the team work! Here are some of their soaps they have on their website:

cool citrus basil soap

hazelnut soap

ocean soap

They also have some soaps listed on Esty if you want to see it over there.

I also stumbled on some other, totally different goat's milk soap. Kristy's Lovely Lathers shows off some super bright and unique looking beauts! I am loving the contrast between the homegrown family run soaps and the artisan wilder side of Kristy. Check'em out:

To me this looks like a pile of edibles..... mmmm

Ocean Waves

Hey Suga Suga

That's it for today. I am always looking for interesting finds. If you are an artist or know a friend that has some cool soap you think I should see, let me know!


  1. Really beautiful soaps! I also use Goatsmilk for my own soaps, I just adore it - so good for your skin. Thanks for showing us these, they are so pretty.

  2. These soaps are incredible! WOW and thanks for sharing. I was going to make soap this/last year but am saving it for a wedding. Any ideas for fun lavender wedding favor soap? xoxo

  3. I am SO going to petition dh for us to get goats someday soon! ;)

    Gorgeous, as always...thanks for the "porn"!

  4. i am a repeat customer of krisies lovely lathers, so i can tell you her soaps are wonderful.

    very moisturizing, they smell great and last a long time.

    i just bought another bunch.

    eve h.

  5. some super cool looking soap there
