Thursday, December 10, 2009

International Blues:: Soap Porn

If you can't travel this holiday season, I thought it would be fitting to bring the far away to you. Since you might be feeling a tad blue about not getting away, I figured blue was apropos for my soap porn today.

Aqua Heaven by SOAPERSTAR (Ireland)

No. 11 Organic Soap by Future Primitive (UK)

There are so many talented soapers out there, but I was having trouble finding blue. It's still morning and I tend to zone with my computer before I fully wake up. You are so lucky to have me before I am fully caffeinated. ;)

Bear with me...


  1. Oh Jo, thank you SO much for featuring my Aqua Haven soap! Unfortunately I'm out of stock of it right now but it will be back in next week. Thank you so much, I'm really chuffed!

  2. thank you for including my blues and greens!
    i need to update my my range of 24 soaps i have 8 that are various shades of blues and green....i should offer them as a complete set....
    wishing you and yours all the very best for the festive season, joanna.


  3. They are all so beautiful! Love the textures. Great job, ladies!

  4. It is so interesting how Future Prim's soaps have become a signature. Everytime I see one now I know exactly who made it... very cool!

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  6. eeesh! I have been a fan of Patti Flynn for years, ever since I first caught a glimpse of her textured tops. She's a soap-lebrity in my eyes.

    Of course the other two are completely drool-worthy. Tiggy got some talent, oh boy!
