It's so hard to know how much soap to make, really. I just haven't been doing it long enough, but I'm guessing that if you are a seasoned soap maker, you probably have the same dilemma if you make cold process soap due to the lengthy cure time.
Curing soap takes 4-6 weeks with the cold process method. To make Christmas holiday shopping deadlines...hmmmm...that makes the deadline for making cp soap ...ummm... Okay, if you made a loaf of soap today, you can sell you soap on December 2nd (4 weeks), but if you are like me, and wait 6 weeks, we would have to wait until December 16th which means, we'd better get CRACKING!
I have orders of soap loaves for wholesale customers of mine and I have to make a ton of soap for the Product Body gift set we are offering in a couple of weeks. Good thing I made plenty of cp soap ahead of time for that. I will be making hot process soap as back up because the scent is so intoxicating, this stuff will fly off the shelves. Oh, it's a secret... and if you know (and you know who you are, ladies) don't squeak a peep on this blog.
Anyway, with work and other things I have to get accomplished I get squirmy and stressed because I should be making at LEAST 2 loaves of soap a day. More. I should be making more, but I just don't have time! grr.
Funny....I started soaping SO far in advance - - extra soap, more soap, lots of soap...I was SO on the ball folks. Really. This time, ME, this one, Joanna, right here, I was so prepared. And then one day a wholesale customer called and asked me what I had in my curing cabinet and claimed loaves and loaves. Oh, it's all good. I can't complain. The soapy business is good and my soaps are getting more and more popular. I am selling a lot of soap. Love it! But my soap stock is down and now I don't look quite as prepared as I once was. My cabinet is full, but my excess is not bulging. Yet.
So ... I will be on a soap making spree as I am sure some of you are already on or will be on very soon.
Tell me about YOUR soap situation this holiday season... :)
I am in the very same boat! Maybe we're sharing a paddle? Just when you think you're prepared, some wonderful customer comes along and scoops up what you had on hand! This morning in the shower, like you, I decided to do some HP batches, just so they'll be ready sooner. Because I need to get cracking, too! :) I'm glad I'm not alone. :)
ReplyDeleteI need to get a move on it for Christmas gifts, I was just looking at the calander and trying to evaluate what I need to do, and when. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteGet crack'en girl. LOL!
ReplyDeleteI'm not one to preach about being prepared for the holidays. You are so much more organized. You'll get there :)
I'm right there with you and a relative newbie to boot...this is my first holiday season and trying to ball park the stock needed is a nightmare! I would love to CP/OP to boost curing time, but darn it, the oven in the new house doesn't fit my jumbo 4 cell-5lb per mold!!
ReplyDeleteI'm *mostly* done for this season. I've made over 50#s of soap this last month...and my biggest shows are the beginning of December. I hope I made enough!
ReplyDeleteMy "soap situation" is that I will be buying soap from you!!
ReplyDeleteI feel like you just wrote the exact same situation out that I'm going through. My store looks like a close-out sale. I just bought triple them molds last night to keep up. I'm so glad for this problem! But, I am also so way behind....: )
ReplyDeleteSounds like we're living the same life! Didn't realize until last night how ill prepared I am :-(
ReplyDeleteWe're not too far ahead of that boat. We thought we were set for the busy season then one of our wholesalers placed a MASSIVE order. Now we're making soap like mad women.
Jen and Meghan Dreaming Tree Soapworks
Ugh...just last night I was in the studio thinking of what I needed to make more of...the LAST batches of the Season ;-) It's bad because I'm almost to the point where I can buy enough supplies to stock up and be ready. Maybe next year is all I can say. It'll be all good though. If I sell out...well, that will be an excuse to do the Happy Soap Dance! LOL
ReplyDeleteI've got 350 soaps curing! Just got to sell 'em now x
ReplyDeleteIt's going to be a soapy November! I just got 2 more molds and 2 more crock pots, so I can now make 5 full HP batches at a time. Being an HP soapmaker does help during crunch time. Good luck to all of you! I hope everyone sells tons of soap this season!
ReplyDeleteArgghhh! Im the same, Ive got so many Christmas Fairs booked in but just dont know if Ive got enough made. Its my first year selling at Christmas time so its all guess work right now.
ReplyDeleteMan... I started thinking about this in August. One great show and a couple of surprise wholesale accounts later, I'm nearly out of everything with only three batches curing! GAH! EVERY year I go through this, but it's a positive problem...
ReplyDeleteIt's a double-edged sword, isn't it, this gung-ho customer wanting to buy everything you've stocked up with. ;) I'm rushing some ceramics orders myself, which I'm thrilled about, but it makes for a stressed November.
ReplyDeleteGo, Jo!! You can do it!
Hope this boat is big enough for one more, because I'm in it, too! I'm trying to be mellow about it all, though. Live and learn and do it differently next year!
ReplyDeleteI am doing my first HP soap this week! CP is taking too long to cure for my clients.
ReplyDeleteI am going to try the stovepot method. Direct heat!
Wish me luck!
P.S. I started making soap about 5 years ago and now I need a 12 step program. Total addict.
ReplyDeleteLove your blog!!!!