Friday, September 11, 2009

I NEED Your Help... and quick.

Shine A Light Program is an opportunity of a lifetime for me and Product Body. Amex and NBC are asking people to recognize inspiring small businesses. I have until Sunday to collect at least 50 endorsements to be in the running for a monetary prize so we can make Product Body go to the next step, to continue to bring you yummy body treats.

When you go to endorse Product Body, you do need to register. It will only take one minute of your day. I promise.

So if you'd be willing to help us, please register here: Shine A Light and then hit our story page and click the Endorse Now button on the upper left part of the page.

You can get to our story page directly by either going here, Product Body Shine A Light Profile Page or by clicking on the Nominations button, then using the search box and searching under Product Body.

This means the world to me.
You have no idea.
Thank you.

ps: If you are really feeling crazy, tell the world and send the message out to nominate us, too!

