Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Going Bananas

With a name like Joanna it's hard not to get tagged with a nickname like Joanna Banana while you are growing up. I still get the occasional, "banana!" when my Dad calls or comes off a plane. Being that I just ate a yummy banana, I thought it would be a perfect time to feature banana soap. It is one of my favorite smelling baked goods and I love banana anything, really.

I found these lovelies so you can see them too. :O)

Banana Brulee soap by Naiad

Banana soap by live laugh love

Banana Chips- mini guest soaps by soapopotamus

Beastie Bar by kzsox :: choc. banana soap :: (Kim of Stella Marie Soap)
oh I think this one is a favorite of mine this month

Ana's Banana Buddy Bar with collectible coin inside. Available at circle of friends.

If you've made banana soap, send me a picture! Maybe we'll share!


  1. yum banana! great selections and I like the package on the last one

  2. they're great. i used to love lush's banana moon soap...sadly discontinued i think.

  3. I have to admit that I was very surprised at the popularity of our banana soap, Mellow Yellow. I can't seem to keep this one is stock. Banana is most definitely one of the best soap smells ever! Our house is addicted. :)
    The chocolate banana soap from Stella Marie Soap looks amazing!!

  4. banana soap, huh??
    i never thought of it but it totally makes sense. do you get some of the nutrients of bananas by washing yourself with it?

