Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunday Soap Dope

Blackberry Sage Soap by BL Soaps on ArtFire

I love purple and green :)

Coffee Kitchen Soap by Green Hill Soap Co. on ArtFire

It looks like Oreo cookie whipped mousse to me....yum yum yum.....

Ocean Breezes Goats Milk soap by Happy Hound on ArtFire

Mmmm, creamy...

Tangerine Lavender Soap by smileyme520 (aka Soaps N Such)

vanilla cappuccino gourmet bar by arohaorganics

Looks like dessert that I'd like to eat right now with my latte. Some sort of a multi-layered butterscotch, perhaps?

So here's the dope for this Sunday. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!