Thursday, May 28, 2009

Man Soap Etsy Style

Or Manly Man Soap...

Manly Man Soap

by Seattle Sundries

MOUNTAIN MAN Natural Cedar Wood and Fir Balsam  Soap

Mountain Man glycerin soap by Plunk Soap

The Tax Man Soap 3 oz

The Tax Man Soap by Soap Scentsations

We love their description:

"The Tax Man Soap. Packed with Pork, Promised to Stimulate. Available only until we use it elsewhere. $$$$$$$$ He comes dressed in sleek black, wielding his money saving tips, taunting me with his refunds, child tax credits, and 1st time home buyer tax breaks. But he's crafty, sneaky in his unperfumed ways-dipping into my paycheck, passing it along to Uncle Sam who promises to stimulate only to spend it on pork. This bar is brought to you as our own little stimulus package. No hidden pork, we tell you it's there! And at a low price even your overstimulated pockets can handle it! Go ahead come clean, find the loose change rattling in your'll find you really can love the Tax Man! And as an added bonus, for US buyers ONLY....Free Shipping on this bar only. Cause we care!"

Tickles my funny bone, that tax man. :)


  1. Love the Tax Man soap!! LOL!

  2. All great soaps, with Tax Man being the funniest!

  3. Oh, thank you for sharing my soap! The others are fabulous!

  4. That tax man soap is funny and clever. I love their description.

  5. I think the tax man soap description is rather funny. Perhaps this is the only time someone would say they love tax man! *LOL

  6. That's great idea..Tax man soap sounds cool..Yeah

    simple soap
