Monday, May 11, 2009

Creamy White Smooth Operator

Today I was feeling in a creamy white mood and I looked into my soap cabinet and realized that most of the soaps curing in there were dark brown. Time to move to different scents that don't alter my soap color so much. Joanna, move away from vanillas, mangoes, almond, cookies, baked bread... Sounds like the inside of my cupboard. ;) So I had to find a few creamy whites that made me feel happy and I wanted to share.

Creamy Almond Shea Butter Soap :: Vistah Soap in Tucson, Arizona

Neroli Lemon :: Kelle's Kitchen in Phoenix, Arizona

Himalayan Pink . salt bar . goats milk soap :: Dancing Mooney in Salem, Oregon

Alabaster Sea Salt Bar :: Magic Hands in San Diego, California

More to come....


  1. Mmm, neroli and lemon sounds lovely.

  2. Wow, what a surprise to be reading the blog post, then see one of my soaps pictured! Thanks, Joanna :)

    I had a similar moment a few months back when I realized that so many of my soaps were white! Ha ha. A few colorant purchases later and I think I'm happy with the spectrum I'm covering now!

  3. Beautiful... Uh-oh, I'm feeling inspired!

  4. Beautiful! We always want what we don't have....I've been craving earthy tones lately...go figure!

  5. I love that Alabaster Sea Salt Bar! It looks absolutely perfect!
    Thanks for the motivation to get off of my duff and go make some soap! xo

  6. What an uplifting start to my day,
    seeing my soap on your blog!
    I love plain white or off white soaps the best!
