Monday, April 20, 2009

Up Close and Personal

I Twitter. Do you? I got this cute mosaic of the people who are following me on Twitter and thought it would be pretty to put them up. They are! I also love that my husband's face is right next to a box that says BITCH right on it. hehe.

If you want to follow me on Twitter, you can. Can you find yourself in here?


  1. I see Morgan Street, I see swan mountain soaps, I see savor, I see sudstress :) w00t!

  2. I see myself. Well, not my face or anything but at least my little soap pixie :)

  3. Too funny about Brad and Bitch! ;)

  4. i see me..loads a folks.. you popular little thang you!

  5. Shoot, I haven't tweeted in so long, I can't remember who I'm following and who's following me. I'm in your mosaic though:-D

  6. Woah! Don't you get paranoid with all those folks following you ;)

  7. i see me :) haha... really fun post. omg i love the photo for lollychops!
