Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Cool Designs

I forgot to link to Ramon Middlekoop Design in my last post, so not only am I linking, but I am showing you some other cool things he designed, including Norman and Chester. Ramon is based in The Netherlands and is a year younger than me (why is that relevant?). I am LOVING his style.

Norman The Doorman, doorstop

Chester, bag

School Tools, pencil swing set

What caught my eye in the first place was the soap necklace he designed which blew my mind. The photograph is stunning, too, I might add, but who thinks of making a soap piece of jewelry?

Ramon Middlekoop!

g o r g e o u s


  1. I am so in love with the swing set with the giant colored pencils!

  2. for a second or so I thought that watering can was soap too! i love the soap necklace. that could be fun.
