Thursday, November 6, 2008

Soap Dishes That Make A Statement

Nice dishes to think about for displaying all of those great soaps you will be buying or selling for the upcoming holiday season. I would be proud to have any one of these dishes in my home with any number of gorgeous soaps I have resting so comfortably on top.

soap dish made with recycled orange record album by RetiredRecords on Etsy

bottle soap dishes by the squashed bottle company
(I have seen these "melted" down bottles at lots of craft fairs. I never have bought one, but they are very cool and the clear ones look very nice with a wrapped soap bar)

handcrafted soap dishes from Idaho by treeworks

handmade stoneware by albaverde handmade soap

bamboo soap dish made in Brazil and available at nest

What's your favorite dish that you use for your daily soap??


  1. I like bottle soap dish.

  2. this one never fails to make me smile:

  3. I have one of these in each bathroom.


  4. I love soap dishes as much as I love soaps. I'm always in search of the perfect one and am trying to create some of my own in ceramics.

  5. I love soap dishes too, but I have a hard time justifying them. Go figure!
