Thursday, November 27, 2008

Full Of Turkey

I have so much to be thankful for, but I am full and can't talk about it now.

My belly is filled with turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, stuffing with apples, strawberries, whipped cream, shortbread and IBC root beer. I am stuffed to the gills. Now I think I'll have some tea and snuggle on the couch with my soft pajamas and NAP blanket and watch a bit of tv.

Excuse me while I go into a food coma.


  1. Is that your cat (substituting as you having a food coma)? So, so cute!

    That was a lot of food, great food!

  2. yes, that is one of three. Dot. She is a honey.

  3. Well~ you obviously had a great strategy! I was right there with you!

    My niece chose you for this weeks giveaway~ stop by & see! xoxo Heather

  4. Hilarious! Your cat looks like how I felt yesterday:-D

  5. Oh, your cat looks like I feel and this is the day after!

  6. She looks like a honey! My kids are envious; they want a cat (but ds#1 doesn't want to take allergy drugs...what to do...)

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