Thursday, September 25, 2008

My New Header, Thanks To The Smelly Chick

In early September there was a give-away at Marr Williams' blog, Smelly Chicks. Marr is a graphic designer and she was giving away some customized blog and Etsy design work. The winners will win:
  • 1 Custom Blog Banner
  • 1 Custom Etsy Banner
  • 1 Matching Avatar
That is a big prize. Well, I WAS ONE OF THE WINNERS.

I am very happy with my new blog header. Those are some of my favorite colors and I think she did an awesome job. I had totally forgotten that I get an Etsy banner, too. WOAH. It's like I won the Lotto!


  1. Looks great, guess I should mosey over to the etsy shop to see what you put up there too...

  2. Awesome prize! It all looks great!!

  3. Waaay cool...just like you! So glad you won the contest! :)

  4. very cool blog. just found it today and i have been enjoying myself and snooping around, love it. i actually added you on my blog to my blogs i adore. pretty blog to. i would love it if you could check out my blog at thanks
