Sunday, September 14, 2008

I Wanna Chop Chop

winona ryder

I am totally ready to chop my hair off. Long hair is nice, versatile and very feminine, but I have too many issues with it, I'm ready to lop it off...NOW.

Since I gave birth to my second, my hair falls out. A lot. I have to wear my hair up or hair will be on the floor, in my food, down the drain and on my arms (tickling me). I'm also getting very grey this year. If I have super short hair, I can color it a different color every month if I want, because if I damage it, it'll grow out and get cut off in a month or two.

I just asked my son if her liked this haircut. He said, "Why, Mama? So you won't be hot?" Then he suggested I just cut it to right above my shoulders. He loves to play with my hair when he's sad. So I don't get his vote. Or my mother's, daughter's or husband's.

So it's me who thinks it might look really great and be really freeing. I must just cry my eyes out and be so sad and feel so ugly or I'll be happy I did it.

What do you think?


  1. I did that cut back in '99. In fact, I took a picture of Winona to the salon and said, "Do this to me." It did not work out for me. Even though I was shedding a lot (almost as much as this god awful post partum hair loss) my hair was still too thick to style appropriately. Basically, it just laid there.

    I'm assuming that you are a normal woman who has a salon you frequent, if not a regular stylist. They should tell you if it would work or not based on your hair type.

    God, this is a novel! But there are two more things. Why not go with a chin length cut that frames your face, but isn't a full-on "short cut"? It will give you a taste of short, but if you hate it, you won't have as much to grow out. And the other thing: Do you regularly use styling products in your hair now? I was always product-free excepting special occasions, then went to a short style and HAD to use them every day and found that I hated the way my hair felt/smelled/you name it. Especially something to consider if your son likes to play with it...

    Okay. I am really sorry about the length of that. I'm just always on the lookout for women who are about to chop of a significant amount of hair since it didn't work out for me. :)

  2. My first thought was go for it, second thought after reading Amber's reply about perhaps going chin length first.

    I do think you'd look terrific with shortie hair, and your family would get use to it. And OMG-think about washing your hair- a pinch of shampoo-easy maintenance-lots to think about.

  3. I always say GO FOR IT! It's just hair! Your son will be ok - short hair is fun to run the hands through. And everyone else will like it, too. It's great to have super-short hair! Just make sure you go through styling product options with your stylist, and be prepared to go get trims OFTEN.


  4. I say, do what makes YOU happy!

    I recently cut off my hair that was down to my waist, and is now short. Not as short as what is shown in the photo, but short. I don't regret it at all ~ donated my hair to Locks of Love. I had short hair for years until I grew it out for Locks of Love.

    I certainly don't miss the long hairs getting in food, all over furniture, bedding, drains clogged, etc. Not to mention, I have very oily hair so I was washing my hair 2 times a day, which just created a dry itchy scalp and didn't fix the oily hair problem. Now that my hair is short again, my scalp has recovered and I don't have to it as often. :)

  5. About two months ago, I wanted to chop off almost all of my "bra-strap" length hair, I knew I would get in trouble, since the other half likes the length, even though I almost always wear it up, cause I hate it in my face.

    So I did the next best thing and went to Great Clips and said, take off 6", which turned out to be right on top of my shoulders, when my natural curly hair dried, which still left enough to pull up and out of my face. Sorry so long...

  6. I agree w/ Amber - talk to a stylist about how this will work with your hair type. I have naturally wavy/curly but very fine hair. So...shorter than chin length ends up being MORE work for me than long hair. I totally hear you on being fed up with the hair shedding though. Mine shed so much after both pregnancies I was sure I would end up bald! And it's been shedding again lately (stressful year) but I'm hoping that will calm down soon.

    Good luck!

  7. I'm right there with you. But my hair is baby fine and thinning as I age and when my hair is longer it NUTS me up. I just can't make it look good longer anymore. Like your family, mine was against the idea, so I took it in baby steps...shoulder length, a bit shorter, shorter, now chin length in the front (I can still tuck it back behind my ears) and supershort in the back (how cool is a buzzcut on the back of your neck! It feels awesome like dh's short hair). It suits me & my family likes it now, because it is still quite feminine.

    PS...if I could get away with that Winona cut I'd do it in a heartbeat! :)
    ~Kelley @ BodyLuminosity

  8. Change is good. It is only hair and it will grow back. But make sure the cut is one you can manage.

  9. That's pretty dramatic! Take a picture to your stylist and ask them. They should be honest with you as to whether or not you can pull it off. Personally, I'd love to do it. But I'm sure I have a misshaped head!

  10. Go for it! I think it's a hot cut. It is only hair, and it'll grow back. If you don't do it, you'll always wonder what if.

  11. I've gone back and forth so many times. Every once in a while I'll want to grow it...then my hair grows straight up into a frizzy mess. I also have one of the few guys out there who likes short hair. If I told him I wanted to shave it all of he'd hand me the razor = )

    I've had lots of BAD short cuts so I say go in stages...its safe and you can get a feel for what you like.

    Can't wait to see what you come up with = )

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I am one to get the notion to chop my hair off and I do go and do it. I just did the chop thing to about 3 weeks ago. At first I was thinking what did I do, but you know what I am enjoying it now!
    I do love the cut you have pictured and I have been noticing more and more actresses going short to, it's fun and it will grow back out. Of course the choice is yours. I do believe there are sights online that you can upload a picture of yourself and then place different hairstyles on your head to see if it maybe something you would like.

  14. Dahling, you'd look great no matter what your hair length is. Amber has good points though, as everyone else noted. I'm like Heidi...I go back and forth. And as soon as I do one thing, I'm wanting the other.

    For me, ultimately, long hair works not because I look good with it, but because I can just tie it back and not have to deal with styling it in the morning as I inevitably do with short hair.

  15. Thanks for all your words of wisdom. My stylist is on vacation until next week, so it will have to wait....stay tuned. Do I chop or not?

  16. I think your longer hair is really pretty. But some people can really pull off the short short hair, I'm not one of them. The good thing is, if you hate it, it will grow back.
