Monday, August 4, 2008

The Canadians Are Coming! The Canadians Are Coming!

Thank you all SO MUCH for the amazing support you have given to me. It is an awful thing to lose someone dear. I will keep things light, however, and let you know there are soaps I will be reviewing in the near future -

Canada bars!


  1. looking forward to those reviews

    that first one really catches my eye

  2. Just a heads up: The url for the first soap should read

  3. WOW- thanks, I just fixed it!! whew!

    I think my head is NOT on straight today. Better not formulate..... ;)

  4. Gee whillakers, woman - you don't have to review those soaps! They were just a treat for you. :) If you insist, though - as long as you say only nice things, heh heh! :)

  5. Wow! They all look great! Don't y'all think the first one looks like raspberry cheesecake :)

  6. Hooray for my fellow Canajuns! ;) Can't wait to see the reviews (but take time to feel good first, Joanna).
