Saturday, June 14, 2008

Saturday Soap Porn

Soap porn is a saying I got from Smelly Chick (Hi Marr!), but I just don't think any other term works for what I present to you.  I love finding new beautiful and interesting soap ideas and I want so much to share with you.  This stuff/art/craft is what I crave and get off on.  So here it is: Some Saturday soap porn for you to enjoy!

Lemon Poppy Roll by Riley Soap Company

Rain Dance by my dear soap friend, Sharon of Platypus Dreams

Chunk Soap: Butterscotch and Brown Sugar by My Willow Tree

Acqua Di Gio type Soap by Lily Bay Soap on Etsy!

Hope it was as good for you as it was for me ;)


  1. Oh, baby! Was it ever! Now I feel so dirty and must go wash myself...with soap!

  2. Do you have a link for the Riley Soap Company? It doesn't seem to be working...

  3. mmmmmmm! those all look so yummy! Who could stop at just one? Am I....
    an addict?

    I especially love Sharon's platypus soap. So lovely!

  4. Proud to say soap porn is my new word of the day. Officially added to my vocabulary. Love the Lilly Bay- looks almost too pretty to use!

  5. Sarah Beth, thanks for the help. I just fixed it. Sorry guys! You really should go see because they make lots of different cool wraps.

    Angie Goff: Isn't it a beautiful thing?

    Teresa and Heather: yes! yes! what more can I say?

  6. Beautiful photos or beautiful soaps.

  7. I enjoy your kind of porn :).

    Thanks also for your comment at my place a few days ago.

  8. Your soaps are looking great good job
