Thursday, June 5, 2008

Espresso Soap Just Sliced

This batch set up so quickly, I barely had time to do anything.  My slamming and dropping the soap in the mold on the floor didn't clear up all the air holes as you can see in the middle photo.  I did the tongue zap test, and there's nothing, so I think it is just aesthetic.  

They still smell great!  The dry sprinkles of espresso looks like melted chocolate drips now.  They fused to the soap during the gel. 

Now I need a latte.  Excuse me while I go squeeze some espresso out of my Gaggia God.


  1. A little bit of your soap in the morning would work wonders! They look great :)

  2. Well you're braver (is that even a word?)then me..I have never done the tongue zap test~too darn chicken. These bars looks just amazing.

  3. I love the look... I still can't get all the air pockets out of mine, I think it just adds to the rustic appearance. Hopefully, once cured, these will help you wake up in the morning shower!

  4. Purty soaps, and who can resist the smell of coffee? I know I can't! :>

  5. These came out great! And look how even your slices are...very impressive...Cutting soap straight is sooo hard!

  6. Another success! Congrats on your espresso soap beauties!

  7. they turned out so great... soooooo fantabulous! :)
