Friday, March 21, 2008

Botched For Sure

Yes, my bad boys will have to go now. They are not hardening. See? Maybe a batch this weekend will make it all better.


  1. Joanna, you are cracking me up! Yesterday's post made me lol and today's is just as funny! I have a batch of bad boy soap myself. I just glare at it as I walk by... isn't this such fun?! thanks for the giggle!

  2. I know you won't lose heart about this soapmaking thing...

    I have made CP soap for many years, and every once in happens~ this happens~ just as you have pictured. For me, it's usually a calculation mishap...a phone call, a knock at the door, forgeting an ingredient, or just life...

  3. Oh poop...sorry it didn't turn out. :(
