Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Swirly Tops

This is the texture that got me wrapped into the making of it all. How do you get the pretty swirly tops like this? Anyone who sends me a good video tutorial of the "topping of swirls" process wins stuff from me! What stuff? I don't know yet, you name the product! :O)

I can then post it for all to see. It's a challenge---so 1--2--3----GO make a video! ohhhh, this'll be fun.

Country Cottage Soap - Black Tie Loaf

Grumpy Girl - Orange You Special Satsuma

Morgan Street - Paradise

Platypus Dreams - Freedom

Oats & Honey - Riceflower & Shea Soap

They are all so beautiful!


  1. Oh Joanna you're an absolute sweetie!! Thank you, you made my day :). Unfortunately, I have been extremely busy with uni work and I'd love the idea of making a video but it might take me a while :(

    So till then I'd like to give you a couple of tips on what I think helps with swirling!

    The key is a thick trace until it reaches a thick pudding like consistency and can hold the swirls. If you get a really, really thick trace, the swirls will be stiffer and more dramatic.

    It's tricky though! But I'm confident you'll get the hang of it!

    I hope this helps hehe

  2. Joanna- You don't need a video---because it's simple- Wait until a thicker trace, or put the soap into the mold, and wait for it to thicken- Then one magic tool- you probably always have is a large steel wisp. Put the wisp into the batter/ vertically, & twirl/swirl as you raise it out...simple, & looks like a million bucks!

    And just as a reminder to everyone---don't re-use a kitchen utensil that has been used for soap making for cooking!

  3. I tried the wisk thing on my last batch. It worked great, but I should have waited until it was a thicker trace so it would have been more dramatic. After seeing these awesome pictures I want to make a batch just to do more swirling!

  4. I seriously love coming to your site everyday...these are the most beautiful and creative soaps I have ever seen.

  5. I've been wanting to know how to do this as well, I think it makes the soap look so nice!
