Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My New Soap Box Mold

Guess what my hubby did while I was away for the day on Sunday? I was looking all around the web for the perfect mold and explaining to him the difference between cardboard boxes, plastic, and silicone, not really believing he was actually listening to my box woes. Well, lookie here...

The wax paper and electrical tape are holding my soap inside

Wasn't that so nice of him??

Thanks, baby!


  1. Awesome mold! I am a big fan of the wooden loaf molds.

  2. What a great husband! He did a nice job...I can't wait to see how your soap looks.

  3. A man who listens to his wife's needs. He's a keeper. :) Can't wait to see the soap.

  4. You lucky duck, you!! :) I am envious. I may have to resort to buying one of those...carpentry is so not my dh's strong suit (s'ok, though, scientists turn me on, and he's a great one of those - heh heh).
