Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Platypus Dreams - Day Two - Kudzu Blossom Review

Day Two:  Platypus Dreams - Kudzu Blossom

So unique and adorable!  It looks as if small colorful pillars of already made soap were inserted into the top before the "cure".  It creates a nice visual as a modern version of a flower, or, to me, a former NYC girl: a miniature skyline.

Today and yesterday, I used Kudzu Blossom.  I couldn't capture the familiar scent that came from the bar.  I sniffed, I reeeeealllllly sniffed.  Breathing.....  On the website Kudzu is described like this:  An uplifting and refreshing fragrance with a fruity combination of strawberries and grapes with undertones of jasmine and rose petals.  I can see that....but the second shower became even more of a sniffing extravaganza with my confused nose.  I could not figure it out for the life of me.  What did it remind me of?  

When it hit me, it didn't make any sense because it DID smell like strawberries and grape and jasmine and roses.  But the familiar scent that haunted me was that of the infamous Tootsie Roll lollipop.  The grape and orange and Tootsie all mixed together, but it was far more sophisticated than just lollipop smell.  Far more.  It had a subtlety of florals without being overwhelming.  It was sweet and floral all at once.  

The suds were almost as fantastic as the first bar:  Hawaiian Coconut.  Kudzu Blossom had such a soft, smooth feel with zero exfoliation. The slippery, smooth bar and I had a great walk in the shower with only a hint of Tootsie dancing in my head.  Have I eaten any sweets in the last two days?  Clearly I am not getting my daily dose.

Day Two.  I am so pleased.


  1. Hi there - I've been reading your blog for a little while now...found your site while looking up information on soap. I was just wondering if you take suggestions for new soap companies to contact/try? There's a local soapmaker in the DC area and I've tried a few of their bars, and I think they're great!

  2. Yes, please! I love to hear about new people, soap, anything. Thank you Mayaari! Keep posting. I love feedback.


  3. I am totally loving this soap the best of all of the Platypus ones you've posted about thus far. The little bouquet of soap flower is so dainty and unique.
