But I'm nicer.
Suzanne Graham sent me her Carrot Orange soap and it was AWESOME. By far a winner! Unfortunately it was a small bar, so I couldn't really spend the time I needed to with it in order for me to have a love affair. Not only was the packaging lovely, the smell was divine! It smelled citrusy, with a hint of one of my favorite roots.
"Freshly squeezed organic carrot juice and pulp pack this soap with vitamin A and beta-carotene for soft, healthy skin. The orange essential just makes it smell yummy!"
So true, it smelled SO yummy. Freshly squeezed carrot juice and pulp were in there. I love that! It was orange in color and now I want a whole bar all for myself, but Brad will force me to share even though he shirked his responsibility of NOT reviewing the Carrot Orange Soap.
Run out and get a bar. Only glitch: she is in Canada. That just makes it more expensive to get a hold of. Well worth it. You can email her to place an order, and she's setting up an online store very soon....
Whereabouts in Canada? (Oh please say Vancouver, please say Vancouver!)
Okay, I looked back at your other post and I see that I can find her soaps at a place in Vancouver. Yay...next summer when we're there again....
Carrot orange soap seem very effective and rich product. But there is problem of hair loss and I am afraid to use any other soap except which is used regularly by me. Becuase my hair loss Consultant suggest that the cause of my hair loss was due the use of un addicquete soap.
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